Online Accountant Services vs. Traditional Accounting: Pros and Cons by NSKT Global

NSKT Global
4 min readOct 19, 2023


With the rise of technology and remote work over the past few years, online accounting services have become an increasingly popular alternative for business owners and individuals looking to manage their finances. Online accountants provide many of the same services as traditional brick-and-mortar accounting firms, but virtually through web-based platforms.

If you’re trying to decide between an online accounting service or a traditional firm, consider the key pros and cons of each option:

Pros of Using an Online Accounting Service

With the rise of technology and remote work over the past few years, online accounting services have become an increasingly popular alternative for business owners and individuals looking to manage their finances. Online accountants provide many of the same services as traditional brick-and-mortar accounting firms, but virtually through web-based platforms.

Convenience and flexibility

One of the biggest appeals of using an online accountant or online accounting service is the increased convenience and flexibility it provides. Online accounting allows you to securely share financial documents and communicate with your accountant remotely, without having to commute to an office. This also provides flexibility to connect whenever needed, even outside typical business hours. For busy entrepreneurs and small business owners, the round-the-clock access and smooth collaboration that top online accounting services provide are extremely valuable.

Lower costs

Online accounting services tend to have lower pricing compared to traditional firms due to lower overhead costs. Online services pass those savings down to clients. If you’re a small business or individual with relatively simple tax and accounting needs, the cost savings of online services can be significant. The most affordable online accounting services offer basic packages with core features at very competitive rates. This makes quality accounting support more accessible for early-stage and growth-focused companies.

Cloud-based platforms

Reputable online accounting services use cloud-based platforms to securely store financial data and documents. This facilitates easy sharing between clients and accountants. It also enables remote collaboration in real time. The top cloud-based accounting systems have robust permissions, data encryption, and other security protocols to keep sensitive information safe.

Access to more services

Many online accounting platforms provide access to a broader suite of services all in one place, from bookkeeping and payroll to tax preparation, auditing, and financial reporting. The depth and breadth of financial services available digitally through top online accounting services is immense. From automating payables to preparing taxes, it can all be handled seamlessly online.


For growing businesses, online accounting services tend to offer greater scalability than traditional firms. It’s easier to add or reduce services as your business needs change. The cloud-based systems used by online firms also scale well to handle increased data volumes from company growth. This flexibility and seamless scalability are very beneficial for high-growth companies.

Pros of Using a Traditional Accounting Firm

In-person guidance

For business owners who prefer frequent in-person interactions and consultations, traditional accounting firms retain this advantage over fully remote online services. Being able to sit down face-to-face with your accountant can facilitate deeper discussions and personalized guidance. Local top accounting services offer accountants you can meet with regularly if needed.

Familiarity and trust

Many people associate the traditional accounting firm model with competence, quality service, and trust. Working with a local firm that has an established reputation in the community provides peace of mind. Partnering with proven local accounting services brings confidence in their expertise.

Specialized expertise

Traditional firms employ CPAs and accountants with expertise across a wide array of industries and specialty areas. For complex accounting needs or niche verticals, specialized expertise is valuable. Seasoned teams at established accounting services firms have deep knowledge across all areas of accounting.

Broader business insights

Beyond number crunching, traditional firms leverage institutional knowledge to provide clients with meaningful business insights and advice, from growth strategies to tax optimization. Online services have a more limited advisory capability currently. The broad perspective top accounting services firms provide is extremely helpful.

Personal relationship

Forming a relationship with a trusted accountant who knows the ins and outs of your business can have advantages. With an online service, you may interact with different accountants. Having an individual accountant advisor at traditional accounting services firms promotes deeper partnerships.

Key Considerations

When weighing online vs. traditional accounting services, keep these factors in mind:

  • Your budget — online services tend to cost less
  • Complexity of your accounting needs — traditional firms handle more complex cases
  • Your comfort level with technology and remote interaction
  • Whether you value in-person guidance vs. convenience and flexibility
  • Whether you prefer working with a large national firm or local practice

For many small businesses and individuals, online accounting services offer a scalable and affordable way to effectively manage finances. However traditional firms hold advantages for some larger and more complex organizations. Assess your specific needs and priorities to determine if you’re better served by leveraging online accounting or partnering with a trusted local firm.

If you decide an online accounting service is the best fit, choose NSKT Global. As a leading virtual accounting firm, NSKT Global provides excellent online accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, tax preparation, and other financial services at very competitive rates. Our team of knowledgeable CPAs and accountants brings decades of experience servicing a wide range of industries and clients. We offer the benefits of an online platform — convenience, flexibility, and robust tools — along with the expertise of a traditional accounting firm.



NSKT Global

NSKT Global, is a Global consulting firm with a team of certified public accountants, certified fraud examiners (CFE), certified sarbanes-oxley experts (CSOE),