Finding the Perfect Accountant for Self-Employed Professionals Near You: A Guide by NSKT Global

NSKT Global
5 min readOct 25, 2023


Accountant for Self-Employed Professionals

As a self-employed professional, having a reliable and knowledgeable accountant is crucial for staying on top of your finances and taxes. However, with so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming trying to find the right accountant for your specific needs. This guide will walk you through the key factors to consider when searching for the perfect accountant near you as a self-employed professional.

Define Your Accounting Needs in Florida

As a self-employed professional in Florida, the first step is outlining your specific accounting needs so you can find the best accounting service near you. Are you struggling with bookkeeping and need help getting organized? Do you need tax planning and preparation assistance? Determine the pain points and accounting tasks where you need support. Common needs for self-employed professionals in Florida include:

  • Bookkeeping — Recording income and expenses, reconciling bank statements, tracking invoices, and keeping clean books. A local professional accounting service can handle your daily bookkeeping.
  • Payroll — Calculating Florida payroll taxes, filing payroll tax returns, and paying employees/contractors on time. Find an accountant experienced with Florida payroll requirements.
  • Tax Planning — Estimating quarterly taxes owed in Florida, analyzing deductions to minimize your tax liability. A specialized accounting service can optimize your Florida taxes.
  • Tax Preparation — Filing Schedule C, annual Florida income tax return, Florida sales tax returns. Let a professional prepare and file your Florida tax paperwork.
  • Consulting — Advisory services to help improve your Florida business’s financial operations and growth. The right accounting service acts as a financial advisor.

Clearly defining these pain points and accounting needs is the first step to finding the perfect local accounting service in Florida. An accountant suited to your specific requirements ensures you receive relevant, impactful services.

Prioritize Relevant Experience

When evaluating accountants, prioritize professionals with experience serving self-employed clients in your industry. The ideal accountant understands the unique tax implications and regulations for your type of business. Ask prospective accountants about their self-employed clientele and expertise with businesses like yours.

For example, a self-employed graphic designer would benefit most from an accountant experienced with creative freelancers, while a self-employed consultant needs someone knowledgeable about consulting tax write-offs. Aligning with an accountant familiar with your field ensures you receive tailored, relevant services.

Verify Credentials and Licenses

Confirm any accountant you consider hiring has the proper credentials, education, and licenses for handling your accounting needs. At a minimum, your accountant should have a certified public accountant (CPA) designation, which requires passing rigorous exams and meeting experience requirements. State licenses are also mandatory for providing accounting services.

Background checks, reviews, and references can help verify an accountant’s legitimacy. You entrust vital financial data and decisions to your accountant, so ensure they are qualified and reputable first.

Assess Communication and Availability

An ideal accountant should clearly communicate complex financial information and be readily available for your questions. Schedule introductory consultations with prospective accountants to get a feel for their communication style. See if they are able to explain tax concepts or answer questions in understandable terms.

Also, inquire about their availability if you suddenly need tax advice or accounting help. Look for transparent communication policies and accountants committed to timely responses. As a busy self-employed professional, having reliable access to your accountant is key.

Consider Specialized Expertise

Evaluate if prospective accountants have specialized expertise relevant to your situation. For example, if you have international clients, an accountant experienced with foreign income taxes can help avoid costly mistakes. Other examples of specialized expertise include estate taxes, retirement planning, mergers and acquisitions, and cryptocurrency accounting.

Seeking targeted expertise can maximize tax savings and prevent missteps down the road. Discuss any niche accounting needs with prospective hires during initial consultations.

Compare Service Packages and Fees

Accountants offer varied service packages and fee structures, so compare options to find the best value. Common pricing models include:

  • Hourly rates — Best for one-off tasks or unpredictable needs
  • Monthly retainers — Fixed fee each month for set services
  • Packages — Bundled services for a flat rate

When comparing fees, consider the full scope of services offered. A higher-priced accountant who handles more inclusive services may ultimately be more cost-effective than basic cheap options. Also, ask about minimums, retainer policies, and pricing tiers based on business size or revenue.

Choose Accounting Technology Stack

Today’s accountants leverage powerful accounting technology to streamline processes for clients. From cloud accounting software to tax analytics tools, the tech stack drastically impacts your accounting experience. Discuss the solutions each accountant uses and look for slick, user-friendly platforms. Seamless accounting tech saves you headaches down the road.

Prioritize Industry Specialists in Your Location

The best accountant for self-employed professionals combines your industry experience and local accessibility. Limit your search to accountants located near your business headquarters or residence. That ensures you can easily meet in person for tax sessions and collaborate year-round.

Ideally, identify accountants specializing in your niche while also being based in your city. Localized industry experts understand the relevant business landscape and local tax codes. Location and specialty knowledge combine for ideal accounting guidance.

Vet Several Candidates Before Deciding

Finding the perfect accountant is rarely a one and done process. Set up intro calls and consultations with multiple qualified candidates before deciding. Compare expertise, communication style, fees, and services between options during your search process.

Thoroughly vetting several accountants gives you a better chance of identifying the ideal fit for your accounting needs and personality. Never hesitate to fire accountants who underperform after hiring. Proactively seeking the best early on saves future headaches.

Partner with a Firm that Offers Supporting Services

To simplify your accounting needs, partner with a firm that provides holistic financial services beyond taxes and compliance. Many modern accounting firms also offer consulting, payroll, bookkeeping, CFO services, and business advisory.

Leveraging one firm for integrated accounting support streamlines your finances and gives you a team of advisors. Evaluate each firm’s breadth of services during evaluations. The right firm offers robust accounting along with proactive business guidance.


Finding the right accountant as a self-employed professional requires research and vetting several options before deciding. However partnering with the proper accounting professional pays dividends through optimized taxes, streamlined finances, and expert guidance. For self-employed professionals in Florida seeking an exceptional accounting service near them, NSKT Global stands ready to help. With expertise in bookkeeping, payroll, tax planning, and preparation, we offer professional top accounting solutions customized for your needs. our experience serving self-employed clients in Florida makes NSKT Global the perfect accounting partner to maximize your business growth and tax savings. Contact NSKT Global today to connect with the premier accounting service for self-employed professionals in Florida.



NSKT Global

NSKT Global, is a Global consulting firm with a team of certified public accountants, certified fraud examiners (CFE), certified sarbanes-oxley experts (CSOE),